Thursday, August 1, 2019

Want the best Lock Technician in Morrow, GA, Then Watch This!

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Locksmith Morrow GA always has skilled locksmiths out and about in Morrow, GA. We take a lot of pride in taking care of all of our Morrow customers home, business and auto locksmith needs. All it takes is a call to us at (404) 902-5122 to get you a regularly scheduled locksmith appointment or to get you rapid dispatched emergency locksmith service. 

We excel at customer care and offer very fair and affordable locksmith services pricing too. So call Locksmith Morrow GA at (404) 902-5122 for a free lock consultation or visit our website at to learn more about our many Morrow, Georgia skilled locksmith services.

Monday, November 6, 2017


Did you know that your ignition cylinder is a lock? Yes, it is! That is why you have to use a key to access it. Nowadays, ignition cylinders are getting fancier. As technology improves and gets more advanced, the type of lock that is used may change. However, all vehicles are capable of having trouble with their ignition systems.

If you realize that your ignition cylinder needs to be replaced, take it to the best locksmith company- Locksmith Morrow GA. We can replace your ignition cylinder so you will no longer have to worry about it.

Things You Should Know About Your Ignition Cylinder

If you are a driver, you should already know this information. However, you may not have realized how important it was as it relates to the functioning of your vehicle. The ignition cylinder is the switch that power to several areas of your vehicle. If it is not functioning, it will be difficult for your car to operate.

The ignition cylinder usually has four different positions. You should notice this when you attempt to start your vehicle or when you shut off the engine but you keep other devices running.
  • There is the off/ lock position where there is no power to the engine or the electrical accessories.
  • The acc position which gives power to the electrical accessories but not the engine.
  • The on/run position that allows all parts of the vehicle to be powered.
  • The start position, where you have to turn the key in order for the vehicle to start.
Of course, in many newer vehicles, you may not see these options as many cars now have a push to start button. However, the principle remains very similar.

Signs That Something Is Wrong with Your Ignition Cylinder

There are many signs that can alert you to a problem with your ignition cylinder. If you are not very observant, you may miss some of them. However, there are some signs that are extremely obvious and will be difficult for you to miss. Even if you are not a vehicle expert, you should know some of the things to look out for. It doesn’t mean that you will be the one to repair or replace the ignition cylinder but it will be helpful if you have an idea of what is going on. 

Not sure what signs indicate a faulty ignition cylinder? Here are some of the most common problems that people encounter.
  • Your key gets stuck in the ignition
    This is not an uncommon problem that many drivers face. Before you panic, make sure that you check your steering wheel to see if it is in a locked position. If it isn’t, it’s time to check the gear that you’re in. Many vehicles will prevent you from removing the key if you are not in a neutral gear or park. If you realize that you have done everything correct but the key is still stuck, you may have to call a locksmith. Usually, a stuck key means that there is some form of binding in the locking mechanism. Your locksmith should be able to get the key out for you without damaging the ignition cylinder.
  • The key is broken and a piece is left in the ignition switch
    A broken key is nothing new. If this is the first time that it has happened to you, don’t worry. You’re not the first and it is highly likely that you won’t be the last. If a piece of key gets left in the lock, you may be able to extract it yourself, but be extremely careful. You don’t want to damage the lock in the process. The best thing to do is call a locksmith. They are trained to handle situations like this.
  • Your key cannot turn on the ignition switch
    Sometimes you may put your key in the ignition switch and realize that you cannot turn it to start the vehicle. This is particularly common if you have problems inserting or removing the key. in many of these cases, there is a lot of wear and tear in the ignition cylinder so the pins are not aligned properly. Before you conclude that this is what is happening to you, make sure that you check the gear you’re in. Some cars have safety features that prevent the car from being started in the wrong gear. If you are not in Park or Neutral, make sure you shift to one of those gears and try again.

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Friday, June 16, 2017

7 ways to prevent car theft

In each given year, an average of 500,000 vehicles are stolen. Contrary to what we see in the movies, car thieves don’t often go for the fastest and most expensive cars when scanning for targets. In fact, the most stolen vehicles are usually Honda Accords, Honda Civics, Chevy Silverados, Ford F-150’s, and Toyota Camrys. Keep in mind the following 6 tips to make sure you don’t fall prey to this crime!

1) Don’t leave visible valuables in your car

Purses, iPads, and spare change are eye-candy for criminals. They may not be interested in stealing your car, but they won’t hesitate to break your window to get your valuables.

2) Secure your vehicle

This seems obvious enough but sometimes we get too comfortable in our hometowns. Always lock your doors and roll your windows all the way up regardless of how hot it may be.

3) Don’t leave your vehicle running

With the colder seasons coming in, many of us start the car and leave as it gets warmed up. It only takes a few seconds for a thief to hop in and drive off in the car this way. It’s better to be a little uncomfortable as your car warms up than to take this risk.

4) Install electronic anti-theft devices

Criminals generally go for what is fastest and easiest so even if you don’t actually install the alarm, the appearance of one is enough to scare them off.

5) Park in well-lit areas

Car thieves want to break in unnoticed and the more well-lit the area is, the more exposed they are.

6) Hold on to your keys

Like hiding a spare key to your house under your mat, keeping a spare key under your car can be dangerous. Criminals are aware of this trick and it’s one of the first things they check for.

7) Make sure you’re covered in case of car theft

Comprehensive coverage is not required by law, but it can help with the cost of replacing your stolen vehicle and even help you with a rental car in the meantime.

It only takes 20 seconds for a criminal to break into your car and drive off in it. Take every precaution that you can.

Article Source: 7 ways to prevent car theft

Related artile: How to prevent your car from theft??

If you want to improve your car's security and prevent it from being stolen, visit

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Man leaves very nice note in car to prevent burglary, and it works

Sometimes when you steal a car, someone else steals your heart.
Reddit user mfiasco was tired of getting his car stolen. But instead of succumbing to loss, he decided to do something about it. So mfiasco wrote a very nice note, and stuck it in the glove department of his car. Whoever then stole the car, he hoped, would read the note and return the vehicle.

Shortly after, Mfiasco reported, someone stole his car. The car was later returned, and Mfiasco thinks the sarcastic-yet-tender little note might have had something to do with it.
It’s difficult to officially confirm every detail of this story, since a police report wouldn’t have been filed, as the car was returned. Either way, we’re officially touched.